
As Long As

Life can be so Slow.
1) Borrowed Grandmother's Glasses. Yea, she wears Playboy Sunnies. What of it?
2) My Newest & Most Beloved (aannd ONLY) Ride, acquired for a whopping $20.
3) Pictured of a Palm Sunday cross sitting on a tiny little windowsill of ours.
4) My Forecast at Panda. This little piece of celery was shaped like a heart. Coincidence?

Thank Goodness Pictures Help Time Ease a Little Faster.


Oh You Fancy Huh?


DIY'ed Collar
GAP Cotton Dress
Polka Dotted Tights
UO T-Strap Flats

A Season Too Late?
It's Never Too Late for MIU MIU.


Jay Nicolas Sario

The start of NYFW was dearly overwhelming, as it only made me ponder how miserable my little town of Stockton is. All we are famous for is ASPARAGUS, & UNLESS ASPARAGUS begins to magically appear on bubble skirts and frumpy tanks on the runway, we will never be considered for Anything remotely near to fashion during this Decade. No, Century.

So it was to my great surprise when we received word that Jay Nicolas Sario, 4th Runner up from Last Season (7) of Project Runway, was to come down here to present his work. Upon my arrival to the quaint little Methodist church where it was being held, I come to realize that it is a full house. I of course, dragged along an unwilling person, and we are forced to sit in a place where we have to poke our heads up to see. 
The Lovely Mr. Sario had a slideshow on with all of his PR work while expressing everything he could about Heidi and his experience on time-strapped designing. At the end of everything, he began a Q & A, and while the easily embarrassed boyfriend urged me not to raise my hand, I ended up doing just that. Surely he must remember that I am a Libra. I felt a bit akward at first, because everyone else's question pertained to the show while mine questioned the comparison of his work to other designers-ultimately leading into a very detailed answer. With words of gratitude, he thanked everyone for coming and ended the night. I decided to go look at his half-clothed mannequins and his rack of designs, only to find that all of his sketches were laid out as well. I ended up having a little one on one conversation afterwards where his encouraging words of Fashion School and New York made me want to smother him with kisses.
Unfortunately, School and Lack of Long Distance Transportation were my barriers in preventing me to attend his Spring 2011 Collection in Portland Fashion Week.
(October 9th, if any of you are able to attend, Please Do) 
Sweet 'Thang.
The Jacket on the far left truly is amazing,
even The Boy couldn't stop commenting on it.
Jay's Take on the Cargo Trend.
Carry Ons, sans the iPhone, already at hand.

Outfit for the Night
Casually Overdressed:
Vintage Granny Top
Gap 1969 Medium Wash Legging Jean
American Ballet Theater 'Spotlights' Ballet Flats
(inspired by Amy Winehouse)

Heres to Many More Wondrous Fashion Weeks.
Truly Those With the Time of Day are All Too Great.

P.S. Who knew that the concept of an Abyss could be so overwhelming.


It's Been a Hard Day's Night

Belated Wishes to Uncle Karl.
His Birthday = My 2 Year Anniversary = NYFW
Because Everyone Knows Cupcakes are like a Cake on a Diet...
I've Missed You Super Much,


Bay Bridge

Looks Like Someone went Crazy with our can of Golden Spraypaint.
F21 Peacoat
Calvin Klein Cashmere Sweater
Lux Jeans
Children's Socks
Mary Janes from the 7th Grade

Jolly Good Show.


Tomatoes and Pomegranates

Plain Hanes White V-Neck
GAP Lycra Stretchy Pants
Black Skechers Oxfords

You Guyyyyyssssss, do my pants remind you of Nacho Libre's stretchy pants?!
No? Well they shouldn't anyway, but I must admit that they do certainly feel like them. GAP has really outdone themselves, I can be a Spy one minute and a Flashdancer the next.
Honest to Goodness I will tell you that I despised the leggings as pants trend, but hypocritically it grew on me. When I happened to find these here pants, I convinced myself I could still remain dignified as these have lovely pockets in the front and in the back, complete with a zipper and a button.
So there you have it world, Leggings that indeed ARE Pants.

Bionic I tell You.


Turquoise Clasp

Right! Did I ever mention these here heels? Or, um Magnum Opuses? Did that sound stupid, I don't know, forgive me Dearest Grammar. God and I think of myself as highly achieving. Enough, you didn't come hear to listen to inner thoughts.and reprimands.and criticism.. NOT ANOTHER TRAILING OFF.

So I visited Free People a couple weeks ago, (By the way! That Flower there in the right hand corner I DID get there, made of styrofoam and wood, I sprayed it with a neverending amount of L'Occitaine Verbena and Cherry Blossom Perfume so that way whenever we happened to go anywhere and we wanted to bring in some Boys, we'd rub the Flower on our Necks. Don't I smell nice Fabio?) I came in a Starving Consumer, and sadly I walked out the same way. Believe me, if I want a plain pastel cami, I won't surrender a good pair of shoesies for it, marketing does Not have a hold on me.
Except You Chloe Sevigny x Opening Ceremony collection, you'll always have a place in my heart..
Believe me, my goodwill states that leaving you with Leopard Anklets and Tights is indeed enough to ensure you an adequate amount of dreams until she draws up something even more prodigal than the last.

But... My current wallpaper needs a spotlight of its own, and leaving you with it only Bequeaths you a Lovelier sleep than the last.

P.S. I just learned how to sing Happy Birthday in Iranian, I KNOW, I'm Beaming too!!
P.P.S. The little cheetah bow in the first picture is part of one of my current projects.


Basic Marketing

This Collage has the Power to define my Past Week.
We had these delicious Virgin Margaritas haayyy,
stocked up on Delicious Mariscos Enchiladas,
and Marveled at the Set up of our table.
All in Downtown Redwood City's Milagros.
I had the opportunity to catch the French Film, COCO & IGOR.
This film really captivated me, being based on the short lived "Romancec" of Gabrielle Chanel's Second Lover, Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. It was really fascinating to see how the Independence of a woman in a way ended up imposing on her actions, much of which were painfully regretted later and ended up in a rather saddening matter. Besides the thought of the situation itself, It was an overall amazing picture, and I'm sure everyone will enjoy her outfits and her quick witted humor as much as I did. Besides the fact that this was during the time of the Breaking Out of Women, I really wanted to jump out of my seat and find myself a long satin dress and some good ol'French cigs. Well not really, but yea.

Apart from that, I attended the Grand Opening of a Pinkberry in San Jose. Free YOGURT for EVERYONE. I was so pleased, it's not often you find a place that puts fresh cut fruit of all kinds on your frozen treats! I personally recommend the Original flavor with some Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries & Mangoes.

No, I havent suddenly become a Communist,
I'm simply sporting one of my most FAVEEEE T-Shirts ever.
I purchased this last summer on the Haight in Frisco at a custom T-Shirt printing store called Bang-On. I do believe it's still there, so I expect that if you happen to be in the area, check out the array of stuff that you can get printed. They not only do T-Shirts, but hoodies and Shorts as well-Mostly all from American Apparel. Oh! So if you ever decide to get that cheesy little picture of you and your granny with Mickey Mouse Ears in Disneyland printed on a pair of booty shorts, be my guest.
Che Guevara AA Baseball Raglan-Bang-On
Studded Jeans-Yuki
Black Champion Keds

Borrowed Forever 21 Floral Dress
Target Ruffly Children's Socks
Black Oxford Skechers
Vintage Etra Clutch

I've never really been much of a Forever 21 gal buttt MAANNNNN!!
Our Girl RUMI has been making me want many many things from there and I really want to give in. It's not often that a Blogger is Chosen to represent something as huge as One of the World's most recognized names, and I'm ecstatic about her modeling.
They Love You. We Love You. I love You!




Vintage Navy Polka Dotted Dress
(Hemmed by Moi)
White Champion Keds
Borrowed F21 Dress
Black Sheer Tights

I Know these pictures are the Most Horrible Quality in the World, but they were so rough and grainy that I couldn't resist posting them. Yay for being artistic Unintentionally!
Besides that, I realllllyyyy want to discuss the matter of a certain store and the matter of us as criticizing and scrutinizing consumers,
but that's going to wait for tomorrow, or the day after. Wink Wink.
I trust that you all had a wonderful 4th of July,

I just missed 11:11.



Note: This is Most DEF Not a Post on my rantings, or my opinions. Except maybe My Opinion that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way that Apple Laptop Webcams make you look. Seriously, I did no editing, just uploading, and that may seem like nothing to everyone, but I love playing around with Contrast & Saturation. Good Name for a band Possibly...
Anywho, I spent the day swimming around and acting like my childself the 3-year old version and then later going to Cine Arts in Palo Alto to watch Winter's Bone. It was really good actually. I won't spill any beans, but it is a Must-See film. (It is a little hard to find but most Independent fims may show it at one time or another, I'm sure.)
I Normally SUCK at eyeliner. My Hand is a Shakey Maniac.
So this was definitely a Huge Feat for me.
Vintage Floral Skirt, Pulled up and used as a Top.
Theres a little white button in the middle which made for Cute Detailing.
My Swimsuit Yes, One Pieces ROCK
Thrifted High Waisted Athletic(?!) Shorts
Sheer Tights
Cousin's Black Elastic Belt

Dont Get me wrong, I Love Bikinis and how they look on others as well as I. But I seem to have lost my litttle Pin-Up'ish Silhouette One. Its a seersucker fabric, but instead of the traditional Baby Blue, I have White and Coral Pink lines. When I find it, I'd gladly show you it, but I don't know if you'd be willing to see my nasty body just yet. 

Haha, Okayy.



Apart from Chile's Victory against Switzerland, this Monday wasn't too Eventful.
I intended on doing something semi-Productive, but instead ended up listening to Sonic Youth's 'Goo' LP, and goofing off at home. Alas, the evening was filled with going to The Milk Pail Market, where you can find dozens of elderly Russian Women and French Dreamers alike. We didn't get anything too special, however I did have the BEST time standing in a corner secretly Sampling their cheeses by the dozens. I guess I sampled so much, you could consider me a thief!
But Hey! Who Knew Cheese from the Swiss Alps could be so good?!

Well until Today, the Pictures from the San Francisco Labor Day Weekend Carnival were sitting on my baby iPhone and I have worked up the energyyyzzz to share them with you all. (My Few Followers).
So if you're Big on Samba from Brazil or the Caribbean, this Carnival is for you.
US? Well we just went to show fellow support for my dad's ex-Bolivian Dancing Troupe!
Goodness, I Looove what I am.
Sorry if that sounds terribly conceited..

Lets See Shall We Not?:
*No Particular Reason for Blue Tinge. All Photos UnEdited.

Now because I haven't given any mere form of an outfit post in a long lonng while,
I'd like to present you crummy Pictures, for you to Stare at and Think about where exactly in Brazil these exquisite women can be found. Or You can think about My Bolivia. & Their Llamas*
Self-Hemmed and  Sweetheart Necklined Vintage Dress*
Vintage Lacy White Tights
Skechers Black Oxfords
*I PINKY SWEAR, this dress looked AMISH before my hands got on it,

Purple Bandana
Old Clear Wayfarers
Plain White V-Neck Hanes Tee
Mossimo Supply Co. Jeans
"Soles are actually Missing, Navy faded to light Gray" Converse

Thrifted F21 Shirt
Lark & Wolff Cropped Khakis
Bunny Slippers (Every Outfit's Staple)

(Finally, These are Two Items in Which I am in Desperate Need of)
If you happen to Personally know me, you'll surely know that I am a fan of Sweaters/Sweater Vests with Bold or Tacky Print. So when you combine a Knitted Sweater Vest, with the Album Artwork of Sonic Youth's 'Goo', we have the Ultimate Cosmic Explosion. 
No Really, It's SO Cosmic I can Feel it! Can You feel it? Yes? Very Well then.
Doesn't hurt that the vest will keep you Safe & Warm, and Safe & Warm during those Winter Months.

& Last but Certainly not Least, I give you the Car that I Most Desperately NEED. I have been calling for days, weeks, NO ANSWER. I managed to even knock on the door, and NO ANSWER. (But a little Kitty did come out to the window) So finally the other day, a woman answered the door and told me that her daughter was selling it and not her. 
Rusty Nuts & Bolts are My Specialty. Tender Love & Care always do the Trick.
So Much for Trying Right?

*You Know, Last Summer while driving in Oregon, we came across an Llama farm. Really Funny Stuff, especially considering it to be in the middle of nowhere, near a wolf reservation. Imagine Green Green hills and foggy weather, and as the mist begins to clear, you are thinking you see cows, then you get closer and realize they are furry, then you get even closer and realize that they have long necks. You then decide on the idea that you are witnessing Very Rare Furry Giraffes of the Hills of Oregon. Once that thoughts done with, you come to realize that there is No Such Thing and your foolish assumptions have blinded the fact that you were indeed surrounded by Hundreddsss of Llamas.



WOODS was Bomb.
Yes, that Teenage word is Indeed the most accurate I could think of on the Spot.
My Mediocre Pictures do them NO JUSTICE. NO JUSTICE, I Repeat.

June 11th has been by far the Best Day out of this Summer.
No, Out of this Year.
I do know it's too early to say but...

Also, Kurt Vile has has Bettered in my Eyes, and The Art Museums are Spect.

Random Thumbnails

I Tried these Babies on, and although I am not fond of shoes with back-straps and no platforms, I do have to admot that they were Someessiinngg Ellseee.

My Granny Rite-Aid Shoe is wincing next to Christian Louboutin.

A Friend Snapped this One:
Look Ma! No Makeup!?!

& Finally, a Delectable Nut "Paleta".
*if Paleta does not ring a bell, Then I suggest you grab the Quickest Spanish Dictionary at hand, Gracias.