
Lunedi (written Martedi morning)

The fella over at Sprinkles Sparkles and Kankles, Mr. Jason Jaworski, is a G E N I U S.
He is He is! I mean really, here, a little excerpt to help in your understanding.
"JASON JAWORSKI can/t write right."
(found in the 'About' section of his page) Helpful? Yes!

If it had not been for my Spontaneous trip to Frisco 2 weeks ago, I would have never come across these Holy Writings. They were found at the the Haight Ashbury Tattoo and Piercing shop, for $2.50 lucky charms a piece (Steal no?!?), whereas on his site they were $5.00 each. I opened the 1st of 3 volumes of A Thousand Words, and my mind was BLOWN. Flipping through the book (or 'zine, better said) was fun all by itself, but it did not Hurt that The Broken Bells were playing through the speakers hooked up to their record player. The old woodsy sound-compared to normal stereo blasting-really was comforting and nostalgic, while making me slightly uncomfortable. Which was weird since I Just said it comforted me a second ago.
Excellent reads, keep on the lookout, they really should have their own "WANTED" Posters.

A Thousand Words:

Regretfully I walked outta there empty handed that day, what a Cheap-O I am...
I was really convinced I would come across something grandious that day, that would take up all of my soldi. However, I will return as soon as I get the chance and I will come back with these treasures. I can only hope everyone was as ignorant as I was that day and ignore the books.
Hey Everyone? Please ignore the books okay? Yes don't even look at them. Okay, nevermind, sorry Mr. Jaworski, look at them Everyone! Just save me one, pweeaasse?..
Before I made my crucial discovery, I took a look at this, it really caught my eye, I then seriously began considering changing what I wanted to do for a living...
Spare me a finger or two?

Yesterday I went to get some curtain rods and Maternity Dresses. NO! Not for me!
I pinned 2 little rasberries I had tooken from an Old Christmas Wreath onto my skirt. I Think they fell off at some point..I just hope the lucky duck who finds 'em does something fun with them. (I know what youre thinking... What in the world are rasberries doing on a Christmas Wreath?! I beat you there.)
I also decided to wear my Minnie Mouse Head Purse, it made for an interesting spice into the outfit.
I remeber I took that little number to Church one time as well, this little girl kept on asking her Momma if she could keep it and her Mother would shush her and then the little girl would ask her once more if she could keep it and the Momma would shush her, once more. It really made for an interest point in mass.
That hppens uhh never.

Plain Hanes V-Neck Tee
L.L. Bean Polka Dotted Cardigan
Handmade Skirt (w/pockets!)
Black Tights
Vans (one has bleach stains on it)

I was really anticiptaing going to the Galt Flea Market, but it's raining on and off and on and off and on and off, so there's no high hopes in that. I think I'll finish the canvas I was working on to gift to my dear friend C.

Twin Charlie Chaplins, you'll see.

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